Dissertation Defense Maybe the Toughest part of your Academic Career 

The dissertation defense, also referred to as oral defense is the final step of the dissertation process. It is among the most crucial moments in a student’s academic life. Furthermore, it may be the toughest part of your academic career. Basically, the students are expected to present their dissertation before their advisory committee. During the presentation, the committee members question the thesis statement of the student. They will also question his or her interpretation of the research. For one to be successful in the dissertation defense, they will be required to provide satisfactory answers to questions posed by the committee members. 

The committee members may ask you to revise the dissertation, in case they are not satisfied with your dissertation defense. After completing your revisions, you will be required to present it again to the committee members. This procedure drains a lot of students and makes them feel anxious concerning the defense of their thesis. Aside from that, you will as well be required to prepare for the dissertation defense thoroughly to avoid making grave mistakes during presentation. 

Dissertation defense questions can be grouped into a variety of categories. A lot of the questions will challenge the research models of the student. Scholars will be questioned about the design of their research and about its efficacy if it was designed differently. For you to be successful, you will be required to anticipate all kinds of questions that you will be asked during the dissertation defense and find a way of answering them completely. By doing this, a student will eliminate the possibility of being caught off guard during the presentation of his or her dissertation defense. 

Some dissertation defense questions will test whether a student is well versed in their field of study. Students wishing to acquire a PhD's are expected to be experts in their field of study. Moreover, the faculty committee will expect the student to provide answers on any relevant topic. Without proper planning and preparation, it can be difficult to pass this phase. Furthermore, a lot of students find this stage pretty challenging, especially if they are not familiar with the kind of questions they will be asked. You may have successfully completed the dissertation writing process, but if you fail to convince the faculty committee by answering the dissertation question correctly, you are more likely to repeat the entire procedure.