Where To Go Looking For A Checked Dissertation Abstract Template: Vital Advice

Most people underestimate the importance of the checked abstract template. They do not realize that a piece of writing not more than 250 words long can attract or repulse readers to and away from your paper.

How so?

Well, the abstract contains a summary of all that your paper contains: the main idea, the methodology, the expected results and a small conclusion. This is written to as to give the prospective readers an extremely concise summary of your paper, which is what prompts them to explore your premise further.

What is the usual format of the abstract?

Not every style of dissertation requires the paper to have an abstract. The MLA and Chicago styles may have an additional summary, but not an abstract that is the part of the paper. The APA style, however, requires the writer to include one, along with the important keywords in the paper.

Following is the usual format of the abstract:

  • It should be written in the font style and size same as the rest of the paper. Conventionally, that is Times New Roman, font size 12.
  • The first line of the abstract should be indented half an inch from the page margin.
  • If possible, write the abstract as one entire paragraph.
  • At the end, indent half an inch and include all the keywords central to your paper.

I am still confused. Where can I go to get checked templates for abstracts?

Well, if you still need help, you should consider the following sources:

  • Tutorial websites: There are numerous websites on the internet that train writers in writing papers. They will contain detailed videos and articles on how to write the perfect abstract. Some may even have round the clock tutors for you to consult!
  • Essay websites: Since these websites have a plethora of essays for viewers to take ideas from, they often put up separate articles to write abstracts as well. If you need examples, you can always look at one of the essays from the appropriate sections.
  • University/College websites: These are by far your best sources to get an abstract from. College and university websites have huge databases of papers are written by graduates and students, some of them which have been published and acclaimed. Take an idea from those, and follow the guidelines they do. Moreover, look at the website of your own university. You will get an idea of their guidelines if any.

One of the things to remember about the abstract is to write it at the very end of your dissertation. This way, you will be able to summarize the paper effectively. It is better than having to go back to the abstract to alter it to fit the path of your dissertation, as many often do.
